Trading 212 Free Shares
Earn > Free Shares > Trading 212
Trading 212 Free Share worth up to £100!
Get your hands on a free share worth up to £100 with our Trading 212 promo code! (AD)
How to get a Trading 212 Free Share:
1. Use our referral link to be eligible for a free share:
2. When taken to your app store, download the app and sign up for an account.
3. You will need your National Insurance Number (or equivalent) to prove your identity, and make sure that you use your full legal name when registering.
4. Deposit £1 into the account using a debit card.
5. You will receive a free share within the next 3 business days (usually a lot sooner). You can then sell this share immediately if you wish, but proceeds cannot be withdrawn for 30 days after receiving it!
6. If you don’t receive a free share, enter “ GISfmzwc ” as a promo code within the app.
To enter the Trading 212 Promo Code tap the three lines in the bottom right of your app
Scroll down until you see “Use Promo Code”
Tap this and enter the above Trading 212 Promo Code
Trading 212 is authorised and regulated by various authorities across Europe, and is authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority in the United Kingdom. The Bank Engine is an affiliate partner of Trading 212 and therefore will earn a commission if you use the above Trading 212 Promo code. Investments can go down as well as up and when investing your capital is at risk.