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Get a £5 Amazon Voucher from Snoop

Snoop is a very clever app that allows you to connect your bank accounts and watches over your finances to figure out ways of saving you more money!

With high-street bank app security and FCA regulation, there is no reason not to try this free app! If you don’t like it you can simply delete the app and never use it again but we personally love it.

Free money?

Chances are, you are here from Instagram where we mentioned free Amazon vouchers!

Until the end of January 2023 , Snoop are offering everyone I refer a £5 Amazon voucher for downloading the app through my link and connecting a bank account.

What’s more, you can then get your friends to download the app using your link and get a fiver for each that does! (If you refer 5 people you can get an extra £25 voucher).

Let’s do it

All you need to do is follow this link: https://click.snoop.app/M2Tu/dnqr42zf

Then sign up for an account and connect a bank account to their app.

Useful links:

Snoop website