My honest thoughts on hustle culture

If you have been following our Instagram page for some time you will know that I am a big advocate of side hustles, and am constantly using them to boost my monthly income. (To the tune of ~£3k so far in 2021).

However, one thing that I try to push is that you should only be undertaking a side hustle if you can live your life alongside it.

For example, I have 2 main side hustles which I actually put time into; this website and Instagram page which I try to spend around 1 hour on per day (mostly communicating and engaging with our followers on Instagram) and then matched betting, which I aim to spend about 10 minutes on per day.

Whilst this time does add up, it isn’t the end of the world. An extra 70 minutes a day isn’t much in the grand scheme of things, particularly when I am hoping that The Bank Engine will eventually be large enough to allow me to work for myself.

But for those of you with children, or those of you who already work long 12 hour shifts, side hustles just aren’t worthwhile. That extra hour could be used enjoying time with your children or relaxing after a long day. If I hadn’t been working from home for the past 16 months I would not have been able to sustain side hustles to this level.

What I am not keen on, however, is hustle culture. This is where you will find people who are constantly pushing their lifestyle on you. A lifestyle that is unsustainable and unhealthy; getting by on 4 hours sleep because you can “sleep when you’re dead”, telling you that you have to work 20 hours a day to be successful.

This is just ridiculous. Okay, maybe it does work for them. Maybe they are making a lot of money, maybe they are extremely successful as a result of this work ethic. However, it is incredibly unhealthy.

Scientists argue that you need at least 7-8 hours sleep per night to be able to function properly and this is something I am always sure I get. Despite being 21 I sleep quite early; I tend to sleep from around 10pm through til 7am which is a good 9 hours.

That is a lot of sleep but I function extremely well because of this and am therefore more productive during the day. What I am trying to say is that you need to ignore all of these idiots saying you have to get by with very little sleep to be successful.

They are missing the best years of their lives and actually killing themselves because they are “hustlers”, because the “grind never stops”, because they think that is the only way to get things done.

If you saw our Instagram this week, you would have seen my post about working smarter, not harder. This is the way forward and is the best way to have your cake and eat it.

How do you feel about hustle culture? Let us know on Instagram

Useful links:

Boost your income - ways to earn money online without any hassle


Buy Now Pay Later isn’t all bad


Why I love money