£6 will change your life

I felt like it was about time I reviewed my favourite personal finance book; Rich Dad Poor Dad.

This is quite a short read, but the information which is included in here is incredibly valuable.

The premise is that Robert Kiyosaki had two father figures growing up; one was his dad who was poor, and the other was his best friend’s dad who was incredibly rich.

As we go through the book we visit various lessons where both dads had varying opinions on the same situations, which make you start to think from a new perspective.

For example, one lesson that we learn is how “Rich Dad” made Robert work a manual job for very little money and wanted him to quit when he realised he was getting taken advantage of. Whereas, “Poor Dad” would have wanted Robert to continue earning this pitiful wage.

This is a common situation in life, where many people will stay getting underpaid and overworked, simply because 'it’s a job’ - this is how businessmen like “Rich Dad” were able to build such wealth because his employees were contempt with being paid low wages.

I won’t go through everything here as otherwise, I’m just re-writing the book! However, if you were ever going to buy a finance book or were looking to take your finances seriously, don’t spend £10 on budget planners or any of that. Buy this book and read it. Read it until you live and breathe everything that Robert is saying.

I am someone who likes to keep their books pristine, but I have folded down pages, highlighted quotes, and scribbled my thoughts next to almost every page in this book. This is honestly the Holy Grail of personal finance.

Some of my favourite quotes from this book:

“It’s not how much money you make, it’s how much money you keep.”

“Some people are terrified of snakes, some are terrified of losing money. They are both phobias.

“There is always another wave. People who hurry and catch a wave late are usually the ones who wipe out."

I know I sound like a salesman, but there is a reason that this book has been the #1 personal finance book for over 20 years. If I had the money, I would personally buy a copy of this book for every single school pupil in the UK.

Be sure to check it out here on Amazon: https://www.amazon.co.uk/gp/product/1612680194/ref=as_li_tl?camp=1634&creative=6738&creativeASIN=1612680194&ie=UTF8&linkCode=as2&linkId=6daa618c51559340c5815dc6e9c09c56&tag=thebankengine-21

Please note that this is an affiliate link which means that we might receive a commission if you purchase the book through our link. All commissions earned go back into the running of the website.


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