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How I will become a millionaire

I often get funny looks or awkwardness when I state that I will be a millionaire. I think that for a lot of people £1,000,000 seems unachievable which it certainly has been for the last century.

However, in 2021 it is well within everyone’s reach as I am about to explain.

Personally, I have been quite brutal and given myself the target of reaching a £1,000,000 net worth by the age of 30 which will be in 2029, so a fast-approaching deadline!

Even if I do not reach this goal by the age of 30, I know that I will be a millionaire quite easily, here’s how.


Every single entrepreneur and business owner you will speak to will chew your ear off about how vital determination is to becoming successful.

At the age of 21, I am already running an online business in the form of this website which turns a profit and helps hundreds every single week.

This is a direct result of my determination and work ethic, and if I can do this whilst working a full-time job and studying for ACCA then I will be unstoppable.

Future businesses

As well as this online business, I plan to start numerous businesses as I progress in life. I am constantly looking at new avenues to pursue once my studies are completed. 

I am currently interested in;

  • Rental properties

  • HMOs

  • Property development

  • Automated bookkeeping

  • Fast food franchises

None of these will be easy but my determination will transpire.


This is the most sure-fire way to becoming a millionaire, and would it be a TBE blog post if I didn’t mention it.

The stock market is a machine that transfers money from the impatient to the patient. Fortunately for me, I am very patient.

I plan to invest a minimum of £500 per month for the next thirty years. At a rate of 7%, this will become £715,500 which is phenomenal, and grows at an even more rapid rate if I don’t withdraw any capital at this date.

This is including the current values of my investments which will grow at a rapid rate, even if I no longer put another penny in!


Alongside my determination and focus on how to make money, I am trying to adopt habits that have proven to make people more successful. Currently, I am focusing on;

  • Constantly improving myself

  • Hiring people more skilled than me

  • Investing in myself as well as stocks

  • Working smarter not harder

I really am going to try my absolute hardest to make this goal a reality. However, money doesn’t make everything better but it will allow me to retire early and do everything that I hope to do with constant freedom.